Looking for a German (adult) child of Francis George Blake

Moderatoren: Elk Woman, Bärbel

Looking for a German (adult) child of Francis George Blake

Beitragvon Jana » Sa 10. Jul 2010, 13:18

Aufruf weitergeleitet von Lakota Oyate Information in Germany

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Danke und LG

Gesucht wird ein deutsches (erwachsenes) Kind von Wub-e-ke-niew (Francis George Blake) - wer kann helfen? Antwort bitte an Clara Niiska: claran@umn.edu

Übernahme des Originaltexts und auszugsweise Übersetzung von Jana Färber


ich habe eine Frage, auf die ich schon seit vielen Jahren, seit mein Mann Wub-e-ke-niew 1997 gestorben ist, eine Antwort suche.

Wub-e-ke-niew (eingetragen in der US-Army unter dem Namen Francis George Blake, dem Namen, dem die Armee ihm gegeben hat) war von 1946 bis 1948 in Deutschland stationiert. Mein Verständnis dessen, was er mir über die Jahre erzählt hat, ist, dass er während dieser Zeit eine ernsthafte Beziehung mit einer deutschen Frau hatte - er wollte sie heiraten, aber die Armee erlaubte es nicht. Er kannte ihre Eltern und ich glaube, dass er ein Kind mit ihr hatte.

In seinem Buch “We Have The Right To Exixt” (s.u.) schrieb er über einige seiner Erlebnisse in Deutschland. Ich hatte gehofft, sein Kind zu finden, und deshalb auch einmal an die deutsche Regierung geschrieben. Mir ist klar, dass es nur wenige Informationen gibt, aber vielleicht haben Sie eine Idee, wie man eine Person Anfang Sechzig finden kann.

Vielen Dank,


P.S. Auf meiner Website http://www.maquah.net/ sind weitere Auszüge aus Wub-e-ke-niews Schrift zu finden, und unter http://www.maquah.net/Ahnishinahbaeotji ... -niew.html befindet sich ein 1977 aufgenommenes Foto.

Nachfolgend ein Auszug aus Wub-e-ke-niews Buch “We Have The Right To Exist”, veröffentlicht von Black Thistle Press (...) ... sind weitere Auszüge aus Wub-e-ke-niews Schrift zu finden, und unter ... befindet sich ein 1977 aufgenommenes Foto.

Nachfolgend ein Auszug aus Wub-e-ke-niews Buch “We Have The Right To Exist”, veröffentlicht von Black Thistle Press (http://blackthistlepress.net/) ...

I have a question, for which I have tried to find the answer more than once through the years since my husband, Wub-e-ke-niew, died in 1997.

Wub-e-ke-niew [enrolled in the U.S. Army under the name that the Army gave him, Francis George Blake] was stationed in Germany from 1946 to 1948. My understanding, based on what he'd said to me over the years, was that he had a serious relationship with a German woman while in German - he wanted to marry her, but the Army would not let him do so. He knew her parents, and I believe that he had a child with her.

He wrote about some of his experiences in Germany in his book, We Have The Right To Exist (below). I have hoped to find his child, including at one point writing to the German government. I realize that there isn't a lot of information, but perhaps you might have some ideas about how to locate someone in their early sixties.

Thank you very much,


p.s. There is some more of Wub-e-ke-niew's writing on one of my websites, at http://www.maquah.net/ ; and a photo taken in 1977 at http://www.maquah.net/Ahnishinahbaeotji ... -niew.html

The description below is from Wub-e-ke-niew's book, We Have The Right To Exist; published by Black Thistle Press [ http://blackthistlepress.net/ ].

When the Army finally took me in 1946, I was still so young that I needed the consent of a guardian. The recruiting office in Bemidji telephoned the Indian Agent at Red Lake, Mr. Bitney, who signed for me. The Army recruiters were laughing when they returned from the back office where they made the phone call, and said "yes, he gave permission as your guardian." I didn't know the B.I.A. had no jurisdiction over me, and enlisted in the U.S. Army for the minimum of 18 months.
I took my Basic Training at Fort Knox. Then, the U.S. Army sent me to Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, the staging area for the European Theater of Operations. I was shipped out to Bamberg, Germany, where I had more schooling in the Military Police Academy. The Military Police assigned me two tutors in the German language: one on-base and one off-base. My off-base tutor was supposed to take me to museums and other places of German culture. He conversed with me in German, and sometimes explained in English. These tutors were assigned by the C.I.D. Intelligence training personnel at the Military Police Academy at Bamberg. When I finished my training, they assigned me to the 28th Consta bulary at Hof, Germany. When I got to the 28th Constabulary, which was part of the former 6th Cavalry, one of the lieutenants called me an Indian, and laughingly asked, "how does it feel to be in Custer's old Cavalry unit?" At that time, I didn't know much about Custer.

In the Spring of 1947, Hof was on the border between the U.S. zone and the Russian zone of occupied Germany, within a few miles of Russian Czechoslovakia. The Autobahn to Berlin passed just outside of Hof, where the 28th Constabulary were border guards at "Checkpoint Charlie." In 1947, the roads at Red Lake were gravel, and more people traveled by horse and buggy than by car. Even the main highways in the upper Midwest were narrow two-lane roads. The Autobahn amazed me. I was impressed by how technologically far ahead of the Euro-Americans the Germans had come with their war culture. I remember standing on the over-passes and seeing Mercedes whiz by at 90 or 100 miles an hour on th e Autobahn. I had never seen anything like the incredible war machine that Hitler built. We inspected the huge artillery built onto railroad flat-cars, two of which were parked near Hitler's hide-out close to Garmisch, south of Munich on the Austrian border. The bores of these Big Berthas were so big that a jeep could drive through them.

After about a year of being stationed in Hof, the Army reassigned me to another outfit at Wieden, Germany, the 94th Constabulary. We spent most of our time patrolling through the German countryside. We patrolled in Regensberg, Burtchesgarten and Nuremberg. Seeing the Germans as a defeated and occupied Nation crystallized my understanding of what was happening to my own people at home. It brought me to a painfully clear understanding of what the United States was doing to the Aboriginal Indigenous people here. The U.S. Army tried to program its recruits to hate both the Germans and the Japanese--their indoctrination was even more intense than the wartime propaganda directed toward the general U.S. populatio n. Although I was wearing the uniform of the conquering and occupying army, I could feel the pain of the German people, and could not act with hatred toward them. I watched the other G.I.s as they made the Germans get off the sidewalk and walk in the gutter, and the countless other humiliations the Army brass tacitly encouraged. As I learned more German and English, I became acutely aware of how patterns that I had known about, fit together. I saw the parallels in the stooped gait and the inner defeat of the Germans and the people at home. Their screaming silence was deafening, as they walked with downcast eyes. I understood with painful clarity that it was the same kind of occupation in Germany and on the Indian Reservations. I understood the reasons why people in the White communities bordering Reservations acted as though they hated us. I came to the realization that I had to do something about it, but first I had to come to grips with who I am, and reclaim my Ahnishinah­bæótjibway identity that the United States had tried to take away in the boarding school.

During the Winter of 1947-48, one of my assignments was to guard a coal-yard as the partner of a German police officer. As we stood at the coal-yard in the night, he reminded me, "der Kinder..." referring to the children who we could see stealing coal. It was cold that winter and there was no fuel for the German families to heat their homes. Who was I to begrudge the German children their own coal to keep warm? I shouted "rouse" to the children to fulfill my duty. Then, the German police officer and I went into the guard-house, and let the children take the bits of coal that they needed. I had been in German families' homes where the only heat was the cattle kept underneath the house. One moment I was looking at the high techn ology of the Autobahn, and the next I was looking at technology that hadn't changed since medieval times. The Germans kept honey-wagons under their houses--instead of going into a cesspool the sewage went into the honey-wagon. When the wind was blowing just right, across the army barracks so that the U.S. occupation forces were downwind, the Germans dumped their honey-wagons, spreading the contents onto their fields as fertilizer. The stench seemed a pungent German protest of the U.S. occupation.

I shipped back to the United States, and mustered out of Camp Kilmer on September 15, 1948. I came home to the Reservation and drew my 52-20, which was $20 a week compensation for returning veterans after World War II. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.

From Wub-e-ke-niew's book, We Have The Right To Exit... published by Black Thistle Press [ http://blackthistlepress.net/ ] , and with the consent of the publisher, Introduction online at:
http://www.maquah.net/We_Have_The_Right ... uthor.html

von Anzeige » Sa 10. Jul 2010, 13:18


Re: Looking for a German (adult) child of Francis George Bla

Beitragvon Elk Woman » So 11. Jul 2010, 17:18

Hi, Jana,

ich hab die Suchmeldung auch im Nachbarforum eingestellt und bekam da die Anfrage :

Wo und wie man das Buch "“We Have The Right To Exixt” beziehen kann ???
Hast Du da Kontakte um die Frage zu beantworten ?
Danke erstmal !


P.S: Muß ja wirklich ein interessantes Werk sein :

Hab es aber nur als TB in englisch bei Amazon gefunden und dann in US Dollar...Schade!
"No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe
(John Donne)
Elk Woman
Beiträge: 5432
Registriert: So 2. Nov 2008, 19:54
Wohnort: Kiel ( Schleswig-Holstein)

Re: Looking for a German (adult) child of Francis George Bla

Beitragvon Elk Woman » Mo 12. Jul 2010, 14:24


Die Bezugsmöglichkeit wurde dort schon selber gefunden :

Nun brauch ich nur noch die deutsche Übersetzung :mrgreen:

"No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe
(John Donne)
Elk Woman
Beiträge: 5432
Registriert: So 2. Nov 2008, 19:54
Wohnort: Kiel ( Schleswig-Holstein)

Re: Looking for a German (adult) child of Francis George Bla

Beitragvon Jana » Di 13. Jul 2010, 15:26

Hi Elk,

danke für deine Initiative. Leider habe ich keinen persönlichen Kontakt. Die Info kam über einen Verteiler.
Erstaunlich, dass so eine Suchmeldung das Interesse an dem Buch beflügelt. Vielleicht wird ja das erwachsene Kind von Wub-e-ke-niew nicht gefunden, aber dafür der Verkauf das Buchs angekurbelt. :mrgreen:

Ich finde den Textauszug aus dem Buch sehr interessant. Der Autor schreibt einfach und trotzdem sehr bildhaft. Es würde mir sicher Spaß machen, dieses Buch zu übersetzen, wenn es eine Chance auf eine Veröffentlichung in Deutschland gäbe...

LG Jana

Re: Looking for a German (adult) child of Francis George Bla

Beitragvon Elk Woman » Di 13. Jul 2010, 22:43

Hi, Jana,

soweit ich dem Inhaltsverzeichnis des Buches folgen konnte, ist es ein sehr komplexes Buch :
und daher eben sicher unheimlich interessant für alle die sich intensiver mit den Native beschäftigen.
(Aber sicher auch kein einfaches Buch zum übersetzen, obgleich du ja da schon Erfahrung mit wissenschaftlichem Stil im Hinblick auf Prof. Schlesier hast :mrgreen: ) Vielleicht gibt es da mal Interesse beim Traumfängerverlag , wobei ich nicht weiß wer die Rechte hat..., seine Witwe ? (d.h. im Internet gestöbert , las ich da über vergangene rechtliche Nachlassstreitigkeiten ; aber bin nicht ganz schlau daraus geworden).

"No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe
(John Donne)
Elk Woman
Beiträge: 5432
Registriert: So 2. Nov 2008, 19:54
Wohnort: Kiel ( Schleswig-Holstein)

Re: Looking for a German (adult) child of Francis George Bla

Beitragvon lakotagirl1 » Di 12. Jun 2012, 18:12

ich bin selten hier,deshalb habe ich diesen tread erst jetzt gesehen,und es berührt mich sehr.
es ist traurig das die betreffende persohn schon verstorben ist,und das betreffende ''kind '' schon 60 jahre alt sein muss heute..
vieleicht auch schon verstorben?!
alles wahnsinnig spät,ich denke die schongsen stehen sehr schlecht...

meine eigenen gedanken dazu,weil ich irgendwie mit ähnlichem verbunden bin:
wie schlimm es sich anfühlen muss von dieser welt zu gehen
mit dem wissen und dem gedanken im herzen das einem im herzen etwas fehlt,
und die zeit einfach zu kurz war es wiederzufinden.

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